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Descendants of Dwight Progenitor-350088

Surname List

Adams , Agell , Alsop , Andrews , Arthur , Ashburner , Ashley , Avery , Axson , Badger , Bailey , Bancroft , Barker , Barrett , Barron , Bartlett , Bass , Beecher , Bigelow , Bingham , Blanchard , Bliss , Boit , Borden , Bowdoin , Bowdoin-Temple , Bowers , Boyd , Bradley , Breed , Briggs , Brinley , Bristed , Brush , Buckminster , Bullard , Burbank , Bush , Butler , Byam , Byers , Cabot , Cadwell , Chapman , Child , Childers , Chitwood , Clapp , Clark , Clay , Cogan , Coil , Colburn , Coolidge , Corbin , Costabaide , Cunningham , Cushing , Daggett , Dana , Darling , Darwin , Day , Derby , Dexter , Dickason , DNotknown , Donnelly , Dowd , Draper , Dwight , Edwards , Ellery , Elliot , Ellis , Elwyn , Ely , Erving , Fairbanks , Farrington , Fiennes , Flint , Forbes , Fosdick , Foster , Francis , French , Fuller , Gardiner , Gardner , Garraty , Gay , Gilder , Gillam , Gilman , Goddard , Gordon , Granger , Gratwick , Graves , Gray , Gross , Hall , Hamilton , Hatch , Hathaway , Havemeyer , Havens , Hawley , Head , Heard , Herrick , Hickock , Hill , Hitchcock , Hoadley , Holt , Hooker , Howe , Hoyt , Hunt , Huntingdon , Jeans , Jessup , Johnson , Kellogg , Kent , Kerry , Keyes , King , Kinsley , Kinzie , Knox , Korthof , Ladd , Lalonde-Levy , Leavitt , Levy , Lewis , Lindsay , Livingstone , Loomis , Love , Luckett , Lyman , Magill , Martineau , Mason , McAdoo , Mills , Minot , Mitchell , Moore , Morris , Moseley , Mosely , Nickerson , Noble , Noel , Norton , Ordonez , Orne , Osborne , Osgood , Pacheco , Palmer , Pandolfina , Pardee , Parker , Parkman , Parsons , Partridge , Pearmain , Perkins , Phillips , Pierce , PNotknown , Poniatowski , Porter , Prime , Pruyn , Pumpelly , Pynchon , Rackemann , Reagan , Redmond , Ridley , Ripley , Robbins , Rogers , Root , Royall , Rumbold , Sackett , Sage , Salisbury , Sanford , Savage , Sayre , Schermerhorn , Scott , Scutt , Sedgwick , Shakespear , Shaw , Sheaffe , Sheldon , Shepard , Shirley , Silliman , Simoes-Ferreira , Smith , Spaulding , Sperry , Sprague , Sterns , Stevens , Stewart , Sthole , Stockwell , Stone , Strong , Sullivan , Swett , Taft , Tanguy , Tappan , Temple , Terry , Thatcher , Thorne , Tiffany , Tingley , TNotknown , Tod , Tudor , Tyler , van Rensselaer , Vaughan , von Rosen , Waldo , Walker , Ward , Ware , Warren , Watson , Welch , Weld , Wheeler , White , Whiting , Whitney , Willard , Williams , Williston , Wilson , Winslow , Winthrop , WNotknown , Wolcott , Woolsey , Wright , Young

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