File 33 - For 2024 global warming economic/weather issues - Merchants and Bankers Listings

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This webpage is about the Elephant now active in your lounge room - Climate Change

Book titles: Chris Cunningham, Climate Change and the Cargo Cult London, Austin Macauley Publishers, 2019. (There was a warning to the world issued in the 1870s.)

Joelle Gergis, Sunburnt Country: The history and future of climate change in Australia. Melbourne University Press, 2018. (Appalling, as this is the first book about history of Climate Change ever issued in Australia; yet in the time of the first governor of NSW (Arthur Phillip), the early colony almost died because of climate difficulties with their food supply.
William Rosen, The Third Horseman: climate change and the great famine of the 14th Century. New York, Viking/Penguin USA, 2014.
Michael Mann, Our Fragile Moment. Scribe, 2023.(Reviewer finds it is pitched midway between denialism and doomism.)

Expect wierd things to happen to the world of employment: the world is on the cusp of an AI explosion. (The compiler is a pessimist, not an optimist; this may have coloured this compilation.) Expect wierd things to happen to government disbursements to citizens because the tax take has reduced.
Watch also for changes to scenarios, such as: Inflation/cost of living rises: and it's world-wide: at least in the "developed" world, the UK, USA, etc. Housing Crises (Australia has one nationally, but Johannesburg, South Africa has one, too). And waste less. Ed.

Merchants logo gif - 9347 BytesThis webpage updated 19 February, 2024 - (This is the last page of this series.)


For 19 February, 2024 - Climate Change
2024++ - Australia

Climate - an international perspective - a news digest devoted to world weather ...

Climate stats: The New Year - ... 2024 ... Maybe: internationally, at least some some electricity power transmission lines will need to be put underground? By the way, The Anthropocene (human-induced Climate Change) has never happened before; so we are all now in uncharted waters, together, whether we (or the insurance company, or the government of the day) like it or not. Watch the democratic countries vomit soon. Expect to see more Australian internal migration as time goes by. Ask yourself soon whether the weather will make the planet less-than-livable.

Climate issues for 2024.

Use search word, "Anthropocene". For like-minded websites (and there are far too few of them around the world's Internet still) see: Or, try to Google on books on Climate Change history, too - Ed.

Climate Change Sausages ... so good ...

So good! Getcha Climate Change Sausages here ...

generic democracy sausage photo from Australia

Credit: Photo by Anon.

This webpage is about the Elephant active now in your lounge room - Climate Change.

19-2-2024: World: nil information. Australia: heavy rain predicted for Northern Territory.

18-2-2024: World. Australia: In n/w NSW, Armidale begins with a fine day.

17-2-2024: World: South America: Bolivia has rains, landslides. Australia: Cyclone Lincoln (downgradable) leaves Gulf of Carpentaria and crosses land near QLD-NT border; Victoria, thousands without power, Australia: Armidale NSW starts with a fine day.

16-2-2024: Australia: Wild weather. VIC: power outages: World: nil information.

15-2-2024: World: nil information: Australia: hell breaks loose: power outages in Victoria.

<14-2-2024: Australia: Wild weather continues. Fire danger in Western Victoria: Storm situation in Victoria is horrifying, now 260,000 without power: unprecedented damage to power transmission capability in Victoria.

13-2-2014: Australia: Wild weather eventuates in parts of country, in Victoria due to storm. WA has heatwaves: Western Victoria has heatwaves and fire dangers: NT and Western FNQ have floods.

12-2-2024: Australia: heatwaves and rains return.

11-2-2024: Australia: conditions ease.

10-2-2024: Today's

Sydney Morning Herald

: Climate Wars 2 with Nick O'Malley: on the pushback against renewables etc in Australia: Australia: conditions ease into heatwaves. In n/w NSW, Armidale begins with a fine day but clouds over.

9-2-2024: Australia: Conditions about the same.

8-2-2024: Australia: National Party tries to stop renewables: (When will these people ever learn the facts?) heatwaves in parts of the country. In n/w NSW, Armidale has grey cloud cover.

7-2-2024. World: Australia: conditions worsen slightly.

6-2-2024: 1-6-2024 : today's Sydney Morning Herald: lax leaders can burn in January, with Nick Bryant: December has become the red letter day of the political class: World: "In a country experiencing the catastrophic effects of climate change earlier than most advanced nations, January is a month of extreme weather events" ..., World: while mean temperatures suggest that some parts of the world at least have gone past the world's agreed rise of 1.5 degrees Celsius. (Being a pessimist, the compiler of this website probably agrees.) North America: USA: Californa: aftermath of storm: thousands without power. Australia: conditions ease.

5-2-2024: Australia; Heatwave for parts of the country esp., n/e Victoria.

4-2-2024: Australia: conditions hot: South America: Chile: Chile wildfires plus heatwave.

3-2-2024: Australia: Conditions ease. Europe: Enngland: Swedish Climate activist Greta Thunberg acquitted in UK.

2-2-2024: Australia: conditions as yesterday. Armidale begins with a fine day: Europe: England: Swedish Climate activist now 21, Greta Thunberg, on trial in UK.

1-2-2024: Australia: As yesterday. Armidale begins with a fine day.

31-1-2024: Australia: As yesterday and it's bad in Qld.

30-1-2024: Australia: Queensland: As yesterday, but worse: Brisbane is bad: Rest of Australia: heatwaves, and tomorrow, worries for WA. Armidale begins day with grey cloud cover.

29-1-2024: Australia: warnings continue for inland FNQ. In n'w NSW, Armidale begins day with grey cloud cover. Europe: France: Two misguided climate activists throw pumpkin soup on Mona Lisa in Louvre, Paris.

28-1-2024: Australia: FNQ rains continue. in n/w NSW, Armidale has grey cloud cover.

27-1-2024: World: Australia: Now Northern Territory cops it from Cyclone Kirrily which has now been downgraded to a tropical low; rains.

26-1-2024: Australia: Townsville Far North Qld, and ex-TC Cyclone Kirrily donwngraded to tropical low; 53,000-60,000 without power, ex-cyclone hit Townsville c.10-11pm last night and now creating havoc inland. In n/w NSW, Armidale starts with a fine day. Much of rest of Australia, heatwave conditions.

25-1-2024: Australia: Today's conditions are worse than yesterday's, and similar warnings are issued. In n/w NSW, Armidale starts with a fine day.

23-1-2024: World: Asia: South China has deadly landslides: Australia: Australia has wild weather: risk of flash flooding, fire dangers, heatwave, winds in parts, and in FNQ a cyclone.

24-1-2024: Tropical Cyclone Kirrily may cross the Queensland coast near Townsville about Thursday evening and deliver our weather a huge low. Risks of flash flooding in the affected areas. Much of rest of Australia has heatwave conditions and lows galore. In n/w NSW, Armidale starts with fine day.

23-1-2024: World: Asia: South China has deadly landslides: Australia: Australia has wild weather: risk of flash flooding, fire dangers, heatwave, winds in parts, and in FNQ a cyclone (it's monsoon season). Cyclone Kiralee ought (at least category Two) now cross the Queensland coast near Townsville: FNQ preparations are well advanced.

22-1-2024: World: ? has landslides: Australia: Queensland seems destined to take the brunt of current weather - the cylone-in-development in the Coral Sea seems to enter the coast between Mackay and Cairns next Thursday, and not from early Monday this week. WA, and Kimberly area looks flood-prone.

21-1-20245: Australia: Mackay and other places in Far North Queensland are predicted to be in danger from a Coral Sea tropical cyclone on the move from early Monday. North America: USA: ice sculptures in Michigan = tv industry funsiness.

20-1-2024: World: Australia: 1100 km stretch of Queensland coast in danger of tropical cyclone forming in Western Pacific/Coral Sea.

19-1-2024: Australia: Rains and other troubles continue. in n/w NSW, Armidale begins with a fine day.

18-1-2024: World: Giant, now-floating icebergs from Antarctica/Southern Ocean are mentioned on ABC morning tv: Australia: rains continue.

29-12-2023: What has Labor done for the climate? - crikey.

17-1-2024: World: Australia: Rains continue .

16-1-2024: World: Australia: Conditions worsen, NSW plus VIC have rainstorms, s/e Queensland has wild weather (so does Darwin, NT), WA/ northern Perth have bushfires.

15-1-2024: Australia: WA, Perth north area has bushfires. most of Australia has heatwave - North America/USA overnight, Iowa conditions cause comment.

14-1-2024: South America: Colombia has heavy rains plus landslides/mudslides; Australia: EV take-up after national charging surge gets more ABC tv attention- Heatwave conditions in the nation's west encourage bushfires - NSW has rain showers - Far North Queensland fears more floods.

13-1-2024: Conditions worsen. North America: USA: Iowa temperatures lower to point where - Nick O'Malley writes for News Review, "Renewables revolution is facing headwinds" - a letter-to-editor is headlined - "humidity will be the sticky issue as climate changes" it interferes with US presidential election -today's Sydney Morning Herald".

12-1-2024: Today's Sydney Morning Herald front page, Ssydney sweats through muggiest day on record - Australia: Far North Queensland faces threat of new tropical cyclone maybe forming, bringing heavy rain and further risk of flooding. Central VIC floods are over, but floodwaters now on the move in watercourses pose new worries.

11-1-12024: America: Eastern US has bad storm. Australia: Poor conditions, inc., excess rain, ramp up again in Central VIC and FNQ/Central Qld. In n/w NSW, Armidale begins with a fine day that moves to intermittent, light, grey cloud cover.

10-1-2024: Australia: conditions ease.

9-1-2024: Australia: conditions ease, the rain moves east, but Central VIC. is flooded. In n/w NSW, Armidale begins the day with grey cloud cover. Armidale has light rain.

8-1-2024: Australia: Heat builds and wild weather/heavy rain prevails in s/e and as usual, do not drive into floodwaters: In n/w NSW, Armidale initially has grey cloud cover/fine day; Armidale has light rain.

7-1-2024: World: Australia: Predictions are that Victoria is in for a hard time. In n/w NSW, Armidale has a fine day.

6-1-2024: Australia: Conditions ease further in coastal eastern Australia. In n/w nsw, Armidale starts with a mostly fine day. And if you ardently believe that so little could be happening in the rest of the world re Climate Change, adjust your set now - and just wait. And oh, we find that UK is discombobulated by bad floods. And predictions by late afternoon are that tomorrow, Victoria Australia will cop more flooding rain.

5-1-2024: Australia: Queensland clean up after flooding continues. In N/W NSW in Armidale, we have grey cloud cover.

4-1-2024: Australia: conditions ease.>

3-1-2024: Australia: Heatwave eases in north? - Queensland invokes help from Aust Defence Force - Rainfall moves north from n/e NSW to Brisbane area.

2-1-2024: world. In n/w NSW, Armidale has mostly either a fine or a grey cloud cover day, mixed. Today's conditions are much like yesterday's, ecxcept that now, waterways are fuller. Heatwave for the north and intense rain for s/e qld and n/e and s/e NSW.

1-1-2024: Australia: a soggy start for the eastern coastal New Year: (but last night's fireworks in Sydney Harbour went off magnificently at midnight). In n/w NSW, Armidale has mostly either a fine or a grey cloud cover day.

Libyan officals fear epidemic will follow deadly floods - smh 16 September 2023, should we ape spain and name heatwaves January 12, 2024. p 18, electric car sales rocket as tax cuts take effect - and similar on 13-12-2023.

On September 2, 2023 in SMH, Ross Gittins asks: how can Australia gradually wean itself off fossil fuels trade and find new exports to fill the gap" while in Canberra, Treasury finds that it needs to flag climate threat after investor lawsuit -.

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